Friday, February 24, 2012

Lab Meeting Sock

In my real life, I have a job. And in my job, we have meetings. I get to knit in these meetings. Therefore, I love meetings. This is the sock I'm working on in my meetings. Got the leg done, and part of the heel flap in this photo. We've progressed since then.

It's Berroco Ultra Alpaca, and the pattern is something that I made up when I didn't copy down the stitch pattern from a book correctly. Dang it. Oh well. By the time I realized that I was making an accidentally-striped sock, I'd gone too far.

This yarn is not my favorite. It's splitty and fuzzy. The fuzzy is less of a problem, because then the 8 pounds of cat fur that inevitably get knitted in don't show so much. At least it was cheap.

Today in my meeting, I forgot how to turn a heel. I had to rip back like 3 times. It's hard to seem like you're paying attention when you're counting, ripping, untangling what you just ripped, and whispering to yourself. Oops. Sorry, other meeting people.

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