First things first, a winner. amchart, you win the prize because I asked my husband to pick 1, 2, or 3, and he picked 1. Since you're the first post you win! I will email you shortly.
Second, a post about socks.
My knitting mojo has been iffy lately. I'm sure we've talked about all of this recently. I don't have much time to spare during the days anymore- nap times are generally now my cleaning times, as the floor can't be too clean for little hands that go into mouths- and for whatever reason I just haven't been into knitting much in the evenings. Last week though I was like ok, knitting is what we do here, let's just do it, and I pulled some yarn out of the sock yarn bin and started a sock. It flew by quickly. Started the second sock. Picked out the next sock yarn. Finished the second sock. Started the rainbow sock. Socks socks socks. I love it. I'm even finding a few minutes here and there throughout the day to work on the socks. I think that maybe I've found my mojo again?

The first pair is supposedly a gradient. After the flood in 2016, someone sent me this yarn from Washington, I think? It looked pretty in the cake, so I knitted one sock starting from the outside of the cake and one from the inside. The one I started from the inside is not a gradient. It is pink. The other one is a pretty gradient. I may get some red dye and dip the top of the pink sock in the dye to make it more gradient-like.
Rainbow socks! I traded for this yarn on Ravelry. Have I mentioned my love of trading? It's so fun. This is
Knitterly Things Vesper Sock Yarn in Tomorrowland. It's addicting. I keep saying to myself "just one more stripe!"
I wanted to maintain the stripe pattern as well as I could, so I used a new-to-me heel: the
fish lips kiss heel. The pattern itself is 16, yes 16, pages long. I don't think any of my sweater patterns are even that long. Also, it reads like an infomercial. I admit to being fairly annoyed by the whole thing, especially after I figured out that the "magic" part of this heel is that you work shadow wraps, which I always do when working short rows. But. It made a nicely fitting heel and I like the way it looks, so there's that.
Next: maybe more socks. Maybe some languishing self-publications. Maybe I'll actually get my act together enough to submit some design ideas to magazines. Being Elaina's mom is a 25/8 job and I love it, but I miss my design work and I'd like to get back into it. Now that I think I've found my mojo (I keep thinking that word in Austin Powers' voice) maybe I can make it happen.